Frequently asked questions.

  • My pronouns are They/Them, thanks for asking!

  • Yes! I accept the following insurance plans:

    • Care Oregon

    • Moda

    • Kaiser

    • PacificSource Community Solutions

    • Trillium

  • I primarily offer Telehealth appointments with limited in person availability.

  • I offer evening appointments Monday-Thursday and am unavailable during weekends.

  • I currently practice at Portland Mental Health and Wellness.

    To schedule an intake appointment request you will need to complete an appointment request through the Portland Mental Health and Wellness website linked here.

    If you have intake scheduling questions and would like to confirm that I am accepting new patients you may also contact PMHW Patient Care Coordinators at (503) 622-8964.

  • Yes, as a pre-licensed Clinical Social Work Associate I am under the individual and group supervision of two Oregon Licensed Clinical Social Workers.

    Additional information available upon request.